A - A
Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran - A
Guy Called Gerald - Voodoo Ray - Aha
- Take On Me - ABBA
- Super Trouper - ABC
- The Look Of Love - Accept
- Balls To The Wall - Adam
Ant - Kings Of The Wild Frontier - Adrian
Gurvitz - Classic - Aerosmith-Janies
Got A Gun - Afrika
Bambaataa - Planet Rock - After
The Fire - Der Kommissar - Age
Of Chance - Big Bad Noise - Air
Supply - Making Love Out of Nothing.. - Alannah
Myles - Black Velvet - Alan
Parsons Project - Dont Answer Me - Alberto
Camerini- Rock & Roll Robot - Alcatrazz
- God Blessed - Aldo
Nova - Fantasy - Alexander
O Neal - Criticize - Alice
Cooper - Poison - Alien
Sex Fiend - Ignore the Machine - Alisha
- Baby Talk - Alison
Moyet - Is This Love - Alphaville
- Forever Young - Altered
Images - I Could Be Happy - Al
B Sure - Nite & Day - Al
Jarreau - Moonlighting. - Ambrosia
- Biggest Part Of Me - America
- You can do magic - Andreas
Dorau - Stone Faces Dont Lie - Andy
Gibb - Desire - Andy
Taylor- Take It Easy - And
One - Life Isnt Easy In Germany - Aneka
- Japanese Boy - Angry
Samoans - Time Has Come Today - Animotion
- Obsession - Anita
Baker - Sweet Love - Anne
Clark - Our Darkness - Annie
Golden - Hang Up The Phone - Annihilator
- Alison Hell - Anthrax
- Madhouse - Anti
Nowhere League - So What - Anvil
- Mad Dog - Apollonia
6 - Sex Shooter - April
Wine - Rock Myself To Sleep - Arcadia
- Election Day - Armi
Ja Danny - Want To Love You Tender - Armoury
Show - Castles In Spain - Art
Of Noise - Paranoimia - Ashford
& Simpson - Solid - Asia
- Heat Of The Moment - Associates
- Country Club - Aswad
- Dont Turn Around - Atlantic
Starr - Always - Autograph
- Turn Up The Radio - Aviador
Dro - Nuclear Si - Axe
- Heat In The Street - Aztec
Camera- Somewhere In My Heart
- B-52s
- Private Idaho - B-Movie
- Nowhere Girl - Babys
Gang FT Boney M - Happy Song - Badlands
- Winters Call - Bad
Boys Blue - Come Back And Stay - Bad
Brains - I Against I - Bad
English - When I See You Smile - Bad
Manners - My Girl Lollipop - Baltimora
- Tarzan Boy - Bananarama
- Venus - Bandolero
- Paris Latino - Band
Aid - Do They Know Its Christmas - Bangles
- Walk Like An Egyptian - Banshee
- Shoot Down The Night - Barbra
Streisand - Woman In Love - Barnes
Barnes - Fish Heads - Basia
- New Day For You - Bauhaus
- Ziggy Stardust - Beach
Boys - Kokomo - Beastie
Boys - You Gotta Fight - Beats
International - Dub Be Good To Me - Beau
Nasty - Shake It - Bee
Gees - You Win Again - Beggar
And Co - Somebody Help Me Out - Belinda
Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place.. - Belouis
- Some Imagination - Berlin
- Take My Breath Away - Bertie
Higgins - Key Largo - Bette
Midler - Wind Beneath My Wings - Betty
Boo - Hey DJ - Big
Country - In A Big Country - Billy
Idol - Hot In the City - Billy
Joel - We Didnt Start The Fire - Billy
Ocean - Caribbean Queen - Billy
Squier - Rock Me Tonite - Biz
Markie - Just A Friend - Black
& Blue - Ill Be There For You - Black
- Wonderful Life - Black
Box - Ride On Time - Black
Flag - Six Pack - Black_Lace
- Agadoo - Black
Sabbath - Neon Knights - Blancmange
- Living On The Ceiling - Blondie
- Call Me - Bloodgood
- Out Of The Darkness - Blow
Monkeys - It Dosnt Have To Be - Blue
Blud - Dont Turn Out The Light - Blue
Murder - Jelly Roll - Blue
Nile - The Downtown Lights - Blue
Oyster Cult - Burnin For You - Bobbysocks
- La Det Swinge - Bobby
Brown - Every Little Step - Bobby
Mcferrin - Dont Worry Be Happy - Bobby
Orlando - A Man Like Me - Bob
Marley - Jamming - Bob
Seger - Old Time Rock and Roll - Bolland
& Bolland - Tears Of Ice - Bomb
The Bass - Beat Dis - Boney
M - Rasputin - Bonfire
- Starin Eyes - Bonnie
Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart - Bon
Jovi - Living On A Prayer - Book
Of Love - Pretty Boys And Pretty Girls - Boomtown
Rats - Dont Like Mondays - Boris
Gardiner - I Wanna Wake Up - Bow
Wow Wow - I Want Candy - Boys
Town Gang - Cant Take My Eyes Off You - Boytronic
- You - Boy
George - Everything I Own - Boy
Meets Girl - Waiting For A Star.. - Bravo
- Lady lady - Break
Machine - Street Dance - Breathe
- Hands To Heaven - Brenda
K Starr - I Still Believe - Brian
Eno & David Byrne - Mea Culpa - Brian
Ferry - Slave To Love - Britny
Fox - Girlschool - Britt
Dahl - Love Me Forever - Bronski
Beat - Why - Brother
Beyond - The Harder I Try - Bros
- When Will I Be Famous - Bryan
Adams Heaven - Bucks
Fizz - Making Your Mind Up - Bulletboys
- Smooth Up In Ya - Burning
Sensations - Belly Of The Whale - Buster
Poindexter - Hot Hot Hot - Brenda
Russell - Piano In the Dark
- C.C.Catch
- Backseat Of Your Cadillac - Cabaret
Voltaire - Sensoria - Cameo
- Word Up - Camouflage
- The Great Commandment - Candlemass
- Bewitched - Candy
- Whatever Happened To Fun - Candy
Dulfer - Lily Was Here - Captain
Beefheart - Ice Cream For Crow - Captain
Sensible - Wot - Carly
Simon - Let The River Run - Caroline
Loeb - Cest la ouate - Carrara
- Disco King - CCCP
- American Soviets - Chaka
Khan - I Feel For You - Charlie
Sexton - Beats So Lonely - Cheap
Trick - The Flame - Cherrelle
- Didnt Mean To Turn You On - Cheryl
Lynn - Shake It Up Tonight - Cher
- Turn Back Time - Chicago
- Hard To Say Im Sorry - Chico
DeBarge - Girl Next Door - China
Crisis - Fire And SteeL - Chip
Chip - Everything You Love - Christine
Mcvie - Got A Hold On Me - Christopher
Cross - Arthurs Theme - Chris
De Burgh - Lady In Red - Chris
Isaak - Wicked Game - Chris
Norman - Midnight Lady - Chrome
- New Age - Cinderella
- Gypsy Road - Clannad
- Theme from Harrys Game - Clannad
And Bono - In A Lifetime - Clan
Of Xymox - Obsession - Classix
Nouveaux - Guilty - Cliff
Richard N Young Ones - Living Doll - Climie
Fisher - Loves Changes Everything - Club
Nouveau - Lean On Me. - Cock
Robin - When Your Heart Is Weak - Cocteau
twins - Carolyns Fingers - Colonel
Abrams - Trapped - Combo
Audio - Romanticide - Company
B - Fasicnated - Comsat
Angels - Independence Day - Concrete
Blonde - Joey - Coney
Hatch - First Time For Everything - Corey
Hart - Boy In The Box - Coroner
- Masked Jackal - Craaft
- I Wanna Look In Your Eyes - Creepers
- Babys on Fire - Cretu
& Thiers - Love Is The Missing World - Crimson
Glory - Lonely - Crowded
House - Dont Dream Its Over - Cry
Wolf - Pretender - Culture
Club - Do you Really Want To Hurt Me - Cutting
Crew - I Just Died In Your Arms - Cyndi
Lauper - Time After Time
- D-Mob
- Cmon & Get My Love - D.A.D.
- Sleeping My Day Away - Dalis
Car - Judgement Is The Mirror - Danerous
Toys - Scared - Danger
Danger - Naughty Naughty - Danielle
Dax - Cathouse - Danny
Wilson - Marys Prayer - Danse
Society - Ambition - Danuta
- Touch My Heart Video - Danza
Invisible - Sabor De Amor - Danzig
- Mother - Dan
Fogelberg - The Language Of Love - Dan
Hartman - I Can Dream About You - Dare
- Raindance - Darling
Buds - Its All Up To You - Dave
Stewart - It s My Party - David
Bowie - Blue Jean - David
& David - Welcome To The Boomtown - David
Hasselhoff - Looking For Freedom - David
Lee Roth - Yankee Rose - Day
Dream - In The Night - Dead
Kennedys - California Uber Alles - Dead
or Alive - You Spin Me Round - Dean
Martin - Since I Met You Baby - Death
Angel - Bored - Debarge
- Rhythm Of The Night - Debbie
Gibson - No More Rhyme - Debbie
Harry - In Love With Love - Deborah
Kinley - Surprise - Deep
Purple - Perfect Strangers - Dee
D jackson - Automatic Lover - Def
Leppard - Animal - Den
Harrow - Future Brain - Depeche
Mode - Just Cant Get Enough - Der
Mussolini - DAF - Desireless
- Voyage Voyage - Devo-Thats
Good - Dexys
Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen - Diamanda
Galas - Double Barrel Prayer - Diana
Est - Le Louvre - Diana
Ross - Muscles - Digital
Emotion - Go Go Yellow Screen - Dinosaur
Jr - Freak Scene - Dio
- Holy Diver - Dire
Straits - Money For Nothing - Discharge
- Does This System Work - Divine
- Shoot Your Shot - Divinyls
- Science Fiction - Dogs
D amour - I Don t Want You To Go - Dolly
Parton - Jolene - Dominatrix
- Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight - Dominoe
- Here I Am - Donald
Fagen - New Frontier - Donna
Summer - She Works Hard.. - Don
Henley - The Boys Of Summer - Don
Johnson - Heartbeat - Doro
Pesch - Whiter Shade Of Pale - Double
- The Captain Of Her Heart - Dramarama
- Anything - Dr
& The Medics - Spirit In The Sky - Dschinghis
Khan - Moskau - Duran
Duran - Wild Boys - Dwight
Twilley - Girls
- E.G.
Daily - Say It Say It - Earth
Wind & Fire - Lets Groove - Echo
& The Bunnymen - Killing Moon - Eddie
Grant - Johanna - Eddie
Jobson- Turn It Over - Eddie
Money - Take Me Home Tonight - Eddie
Murphy - Party All The Time - Eddy
Huntington - U.S.S.R - Edgar
Winter Group - Frankenstein - Edie
Brickell & New Bohemians - What I Am - Eighth
Wonder - Im Not Scared - ELO
- All Over The World - Elton
John - Nikita - El
DeBarge - Whos Johnny - Emerson
Lake Powell - Touch And Go - Enigma
- Sadeness - Enya
- Orinoco Flow - Enuff
Z Nuff - Fly High Michelle - Erasure
- Sometimes - Eric
B & Rakim - Microphone Fiend - Eric
Clapton - Old Love - Escape
Club - Wild Wild West - Escape
With Romeo - Somebody - Etienne
Daho - Tomb Pour La France - Eurogliders
- Heaven - Europe
- The Final Countdown - Eurythmics
- Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Evelyn
King - Im In Love - Evelyn
Thomas - High Energy - Everything
But The Girl - Dont Want to Talk.. - Every
Little Thing - Shapes Of Love - Exciter
- Rain of Terror - Exodus
- Strike of the Beast - Expose
- Seasons Change - Extreme
- More Than Words - EZO
- Flashback Heart Attack
- Fade
13 - Muppet - FairgroundAttraction
- Perfect - Faith
No More - We Care A Lot - Falco
- Rock Me Amadeus - Fancy
- Slice Me Nice - Faster
Pussycat - Bathroom Wall - Fates
Warning - Through Different Eyes - Fat
Larrys Band - Zoom - Feargal
Sharkey - A Good Heart - Femme
Fatale - Falling In And Out Of Love - Fern_Kinney_-_Together_We_Are_Beautiful - Fiction
Factory - Feels Like Heaven - Fields
Of The Nephilim - Moonchild - Fifth
angel - Time Will Tell - Fine
Young Cannibals - She Drives me Crazy - Fiona
Flanagan Talk To Me - Fire
Inc. - Nowhere Fast - Fischer
Z - So Long - Fishbone
- Party At Ground Zero - Five
Star - Cant Wait Another Minute - Flans
- Timido - Flash
& The Pan - Midnightman - Fleetwood
Mac - Gypsy - Flexi
Cowboys - Domination - Flying
Pickets - Only You - FM
- Frozen Heart - Force
MDS - Forgive Me Girl - Foreigner
- I Wanna Know What Love Is - Fox
The Fox - Precious Little Diamond - Francesco
Napoli - Balla Balla - France
Gall - Ella Elle La - Frankie
Goes To Hollywood - Relax - Freddie
Mercury - The Great Pretender - Freeez
- I.O.U - Freeez
- Southern Freeez - Freur
- Doot Doot - Frida
- Theres Something Going On - Friends
Again - State Of Art - Front
242 - Headhunter - Front
Line Assembly - Body Count - FR
David - Words - Fun
Boy Three - It Aint What Do - Fun
Fun - Colour My Love - Fuzzbox
- Love Is The Slug
- G.I.Orange
- Fight Away The Lover - Galaxie
500 - When Will You Come Home - Gary
Moore - The Loner - Gary
Numan - Cars - Gazebo
- I Like Chopin - General
Public - Tenderness - Gene
Loves Jezebel - Desire - George
Benson - Give Me The Night - George
Clinton - Atomic Dog - George
Harrison - Got My Mind Set On You - George
Krantz - Din Daa Daa - Georgia
Satellites - Battleship Chains - Gino
Soccio - Try it Out - Gino
Vannelli - Night Walker - Gipsy
Kings - Volare - Girlschool
- Play Dirty - Glass
Tiger - Thin Red Line - Glenn
Frey - The One You Love - Glenn
Mederios - Change My Love - Gloria
Estefan - Conga - Godley
& Creme - Cry - Golden
Earring - Twilight Zone - Goombay
Dance Band - Seven Tears - Goon
Squad - Eight Arms To Hold You - Go
West - Call Me - Grace
Jones - Love Is The Drug - Grandmaster
Flash - White Lines - Great
White - Once Bitten - Gregory
Abbott - Shake You Down - Greg
Kihn Band - Jeopardy - Grim
Reaper - Fear No Evil - GTR
- When the Heart Rules the Mind - Guesh
Patti - Etienne - Guns
n Roses - Welcome To The Jungle - Gwen
Guthrie - Aint Nothin Goin On
- Haircut
100 - Love Plus One - Hall
& Oates - Maneater - Hanoi
Rocks - Tragedy - Happy
Mondays - Kinky Afro - Harold
Faltermeyer - Axel f - Haysi
Fantayzee - Shiny Shiny - Hazell
Dean - Searchin - Headpins
- Dont It Make You Feel - Heart
- Alone - Heather
Parisi - Disco Bambina - Heaven
- Rock School - Heaven
17 - Temptation - Helix
- Rock You - Hellion
- Bad Attitude - Helloween
- I Want Out - Herbie
Hancock - Rock It - Hipsway
- The Honey Thief - Hombres
G - Venezia - Honey_Drippers
- The Sea of Love - Honeymoon
Suite - New Girl Now - Hoodoo
Gurus - Like Wow Wipeout - Hot
Chocolate - Every Ones A winner - House
Of Lords - Love Dont Lie - Howard
Jones - Hide and Seek - Hubert
Kah - Angel 07 - Hue
And Cry - Labour of Love - Huey
Lewis - I Want A New Drug - Hughs
& Thrall - The Look In Your Eyes - Human
League - Dont You Want Me Baby - Husker
Du - Could You Be The One
- Ian
Dury - Drip Fed Fred - Ian
Hunter - All Of The Good Ones.. - Icehouse
- Crazy - Ice
T - Colors - Icicle
Works - Whisper To A Scream - Icon
- On Your Feet - Images
In Vogue - Save It - Imagination
- Just An Illusion - Indeep
- Last Night A DJ Saved My Life - Information
Society - Think - Inner
City - Good Life - INXS
- Need You Tonight - Irene
Cara - What A Feeling - Iron
Maiden - Number Of The Beast - Ivan
- Fotonovela - lvira
- Talkin Bout Rambo
- Jane
Child - Dont Want To Fall In Love. - Jane
Wiedlin - Rush Hour - Jan
Hammer - Crocketts Theme - Japan
- Gentlemen Take Polaroids - Jason
Donovan - Too Many Broken Hearts - Jazzy
Jeff & Fresh Prince - Mike Tyson - Jean
Beauvoir - Feel the heat - Jean
Michel Jarre - Magnetic Fields 2 - Jefferson
Starship - Winds Of Change - Jeff
Healey -See The light - Jelly
Bean - Who Found Who - Jennifer
Rush - The Power Of Love - Jennifer
Warnes - The Time of My Life - Jermaine
Stewart - We Dont Have To.. - Jesse
Johnson - I Wanna Be Your Man - Jesus
Jones - Never Enough - Joan
Jett - I Love Rock N Roll - JoBoxers
- Just Got Lucky - Jocelyn
Brown - Somebody's Elses Guy - Jodi
Jett - 80s Girl - Jody
Watley - Real Love - Joe
Cocker & J Warnes - Up Where We Belong - Joe
Jackson - Steppin Out - Joe
Dolce - Shaddap You Face - Joe
Perry Project - Black Velvet Pants - Joe
Walsh - Confessor - Joey
Scarbury - Believe It Or Not - John
Cougar - Jack Diane - Johnny
Hates Jazz - Shattered Dream - Johnny
Logan - Whats Another Year - Johnny
Kemp - Just Another Lover - John
Farnham - Youre The Voice - John
Fogerty - Centerfield - John
Lennon - Woman - John
Mellencamp - Small Town - John
Parr - St Elmos Fire - John
Rocca - I Want It To Be Real - Jona
Lewie - In the Kitchen at Parties - Jon
Anderson - Hold On To Love - Josef
K - Sorry For Laughing - Journey
- Separate Ways - Joy
- Touch By Touch - Joy
Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart - Judas
Priest Breaking The Law - Judge
Dread - Big Six - Juice
Newton - Loves Been a Little Bit Hard - Julian
Lennon - Too Late For Goodbyes - Julia
Fordham - Woman Of The 80s - Julio
Iglesias - All Of You - Junior
- Mama Used To Say - Junkyard
- Hollywood - J
Geils Band - Centerfold
- Kajagoogoo
- Too Shy - Kane
Roberts - Rock Dolls - Kano
- Another Life - Kansas
- Fight Fire With Fire - Kaoma
- Lambada - Karel
Fialka - Hey Matthew - Karyn
White - Superwoman - Kashif
- Are You The Woman - Kate
Bush - Running Up That Hill - Katrina
& The Waves - Walking On Sunshine - KC
& the Sunshine Band - Please Dont Go - Keel
- Because The Night - Kelly
Marie - Feels Like Im In Love - Kenny
Loggins - Foot Loose - Ken
Laszlo - Tonight - Kids
Incorporated - Middle of the Road - Kid
Creole - Annie Im Not Your Daddy - Killer
Dwarfs - We Stand Alone - Killing
Joke - Love Like Blood - Kim
Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes - Kim
Wilde - You Came - Kingdom
Come - Get It on - King
- Love And Pride - King
Diamond - The Family Ghost - KISS
- I Was Made For Loving You - Kix
- Body Talk - Klaus
Nomi - Falling In Love Again - Klymaxx
- Meeting In The Ladies Room - Kon
Kan - I Beg Your Pardon - Kool
& The Gang - Celebration - Kool
G Rap & DJ Polo - Road To The Riches - Kool
Moe Dee - I Go To Work - Kraftwerk
- Musique Non Stop - Krisma
- Many Kisses - Krokus
- Eat The Rich - Kylie
Monogue - Locomotion
- Laid
Back - White Horse - Lakeside
- Fantastic Voyage - Landscape
- Einstein A Go Go - Latin
Lover - Casanova Action - Laura
Branigan - Self Control - Laurie
Anderson - Language Is A Virus - LA
Guns - The Ballad Of Jane - Leaether
Stip - Evil Speaks - Lee
Aaron - Metal Queen - Lene
Lovich - New Toy - Leonard
Cohen - First We Take Manhattan - Leo
Sayer - More Than I Can Say - Level
42 - Lessons In Love - Levert
- Casanova - Lillian
Axe - Dream Of A Lifetime - Lil
Louis - French Kiss - Limahl
- The Neverending Story - Lime
- Guilty - Linda
Ronstadt & A. Neville - Dont Know Much - Lindsey
Buckingham - Trouble - Linx
- So This Is Romance - Lionel
Richie - Say You Say Me - Lipps
Inc. - Funky Town - Lisa
Lisa & Cult Jam - Can You Feel The Beat - Lisa
Stansfield - Been Around The World - Lita
Ford - Out For Blood - Living
Colour - Cult Of Personality - Living
In A Box - Living In A Box - Liza
Minnelli - Losing my Mind - Lloyd
Cole & The Commotions - Forest Fire - London
Boys - Requiem - Lone
Justice Ways To Be wicked - Lords
of the New Church - Dance With Me - Los
Lobos - La Bamba - Lotus
Eaters - The First Picture Of You - Loudness
- Crazy Night - Lou
Reed - Dirty Boulevard - Loverboy
- Turn Me Loose - Love
And Rockets - So Alive - Luther
Vandross - Never Too Much
- M.A.R.S.
- Pump Up The Volume - Madleen
Kane - Its So Good - Madness
- Our House - Madonna
- Like A virgin - Malcolm
McLaren - Madame Butterfly - Mandy
Smith - Positive Reaction - Manhattan
Transfer - Soul Food To Go - Manowar
- Blow Your Speakers - Mantronix
- Bassline - Man
Parrish - Hip Hop Be Bop - Maria
Mckee - Show Me heaven - Maria
Vidal - Body Rock - Marillion
- Kayleigh - Martha
& the Muffins - Echo Beach - Martika
- Toy Soldiers - Marvin
Gaye - Sexual Healing - Mary
Jane Girls - In My House - Matthew
Wilder - Break My Stride - Matt
Bianco - Get Out Your Lazy Bed - Maxi
Priest - Close To You - Max
Him - Japanese Girls - MC
Hammer - U Cant Touch This - Meat
Loaf - Dead Ringer For Love - Meat
Puppets - Get On Down - Mecano
- Hawaii-Bombayp - Megadeth
- In My Darkest Hour - Mel
& Kim - Respectable - Men
Without Hats_-_Safety Dance - Mental
As Anything - Live It Up - Menudo
- Hold Me - Men
at work - Land Down Under - Metal
Church - In Harms Way - Meteors
- Go Buddy Go - Miami
Sound Machine - Dr Beat - Mica
Paris & Will Downing - Where's the Love - Michael
Cretu - Samurai - Michael
Damian - Rock On - Michael
Fortunati - Give Me Up - Michael
Jackson - Thriller - Michael
Nesmith - Cruisin - Michael
Schenker Group - Armed And Ready - Michael
Sembello - Maniac - Mick
Jagger & Bowie - Dancing In The Street - Midge
Ure - If I Was - Midnight
Oil - Beds Are Burning - Midnight
Star - The Midas Touch - Mike
& The Mechanics - The Living Years - Mike
Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow - Miko
Mission-Two For Love - Milli
Vanilli - Girl You know Its True - Ministry
- Revenge - Mink
DeVille - Each Words A Beat - Miquel
Brown - So Many Men So Little Time - Missing
Persons - Words - Miss
Jennifer Holliday - I'm Telling You - Modern
Talking - Geronimos Cadillac - Molly
Hatchet - Satisfied Man - Monie
Love - Its A Shame - Morbid
Angel - Immortal Rites - Morrissey
- Suedehead - Morris
Day - Oak Tree - Morris
Minor & the Majors - Stutter Rap - Mory
kante - Yeke Yeke - Motley
Crue - Girls Girls Girls - Motorhead
- Girlschool - Moving
Pictures - What About Me - Mr
Big - Addicted To That Rush - Mr
Mister - Broken Wings - Mr
T - Treat Your Mother Right - Mtume
- Juicy Fruit - Murray
Head - One Night In Bangkok - Musical
Youth - Pass The Duchie - My
Bloody Valentine - Realise - My
Mine - Hypnotic Tango - M
- Pop Musik
- Naked_Eyes_-_Always_Something_There.flv - Nancy
Martinez - For Tonight - Nathalie
- My Love Wont Let You Down - Nazareth
- Holiday - Neil
Young - Rockin In A Free World - Nena
- 99 luft Balons - Neneh
Cherry - Manchild - Newcleus
- Jam On It - New
Baccara - Fantasy Boy - New
Edition - Candy Girl - New
Kids on the Block - Right Stuff - New
Musik - Living By Numbers - New
Order - Blue Monday - Nick
Berry - Every Loser Wins - Nick
Cave - The Mercy Seat - Nick
Kamen - Each Time You Break My Heart - Night
Ranger - Sister Christian - Nik
Kershaw - Wouldnt It Be Good - Nina
Hagen - New York New York - Nina
Simone - My Baby Just Cares For Me - Nirvana
- About A Girl - Nitro
- Long Way From Home - Nitzer
Ebb - Shame - Noel
- Silent Morning - Nolans
- Sexy Music - Nolan
Thomas - Yo Little Brother - No
You Turn - I Still Love You - Nu
Shooz - I Cant Wait - NWA
- Express Yourself
- Oak
Ridge Boys - Elvira - OFF
- Electrica Salsa - Oingo
Boingo - Private Life - Olivia
Newton John - Physical - Ollie
And Jerry - Breakin - OMD
- Enola Gay - Only
Child - Save A Place In Your Heart - Opus
- Live Is Life - Orange
Juice - Rip It Up - Oran
Juice Jones - The Rain - Ottawan
- D I S C O - Overkill
- Elimination - Ozzy
Osbourne - Bark At The Moon
P - Pale
Fountains - Thank You - Patrice
Rushen - Forget Me Nots - Patrick
Hernandez - Born To Be Alive - Patrick
Swayze - Shes Like The Wind - Patty
Ryan - Youre My Love Youre My Life - Pat
Benatar- We Belong - Paula
Abdul - Straight Up - Paul
Carrack - Don t Shed A Tear - Paul
Davis - 65 Love Affair - Paul
Hardcastle - 19 - Paul
Lekakis - Boom Boom Anniversary - Paul
McCartney - No More Lonely Nights - Paul
Simon - You Can Call Me Al - Paul
Young - Come Back And Stay - Payolas
- Eyes Of A Stranger - Pebbles
- Girlfriend - Pepsi
& Shirlie - Heartache - Pet
Shop Boys - West End Girls - Peter
Baumann - Strangers In The Night - Peter
Cetera - Glory of Love - Peter
Gabriel - Sledgehammer - Peter
Godwin - Images of heaven - Peter
Murphy - All Night Long - Peter
Schilling - Die Wste Lebt - Peter
Tosh - Johnny B Goode - Pete
Townshend - Stardom In Acton - Philip
Bailey & Phil Collins - Easy Lover - Phil
Collins - In The Air Tonight - Phil
Fearon & Galaxy - Dancing Tight - Phil
Oakley - Together In Electric Dreams - Phyllis
Nelson - Move Closer - Pink
Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall - Pixies
- Debaser - Pizzicato
Five - The Audrey Hepburn Complex - Plasmatics
- Damned - Plastics
- Copy - Plastic
Bertrand - Amour Amour - Poison
- Every Rose Has Its Thorn - Polecats
- Rockabilly Guy - PWEI
- There Is No Love.. - Power
Station - Some Like It Hot - Prefab
Sprout - When Love Breaks Down - Pretty
Poison - Catch Me Im Falling - Primal
Scream - Gentle Tuesday - Primus
- John The Fisherman - Princess
- Say I your Number 1 - Prince
- Purple Rain - Propaganda
- P-Machinery - Pseudo
Echo - Listening - Psychedelic
Furs - Heaven - Psyche
- Unveiling The Secret - Psychic
Tv - Godstar - Public
Enemy - Dont Believe The Hype - Public
Image Ltd - Not A Love Song - P
Lion - Happy Children
- Quarterflash
- Harden My Heart - Queen
- A Kind of Magic - Quiet
Riot - Cum On Feel The Noize - Quincy
Jones - The Secret Garden
- R.E.M.
- The One I Love - Radiorama
- Aliens - Raff
- Self Control - Rah
Band - Clouds Across the Moon - Rainbow
- I Surrender - Ratt
- Lay It Down - Ray
Parker Jr - Ghostbusters - Re-Flex
- Politics Of Dancing - Ready
For The World - Oh Sheila - Real
Life - Send Me An Angel - Rebbie
Jackson - Centipede - Reckless
Daughter - Twist N Turn - Redskins
- Kick Over The Statues - Red
Hot Chili Peppers - Higher Ground - Red
Lorry Yellow Lorry - Spinning Round - Red
Rockers - China - Regina
- Baby Love - Renee_&_Renato
- Save Your Love - REO
Speedwagon - Fight This Feeling - Richard
Marx - Right Here Waiting - Richard
Sanderson - Reality - Rick
Astley - Together Forever - Rick
James - Super Freak - Rick
Springfield- Jessies Girl - RIOT
- Bloodstreets - Rita
Coolidge - All Time High - Roachford
- Cuddly Toy - Robbie
Dupree - Steal Away - Robert
Palmer - Simply Irresistible - Robert
Plant - Big Log - Robert
Tepper - No Easy Way Out - Robin
Beck - First Time - Robin
Gibb - Juliet - Rob
Base & DJ EZ Rock - It Takes Two - Rockets
- Ideomatic - Rockwell
- Somebodys Watching Me - Rocky
Burnette - Tired of Towin The Line - Rocky
Sharpe - Rama Lama Ding Dong - Rock
and Roll Radio - Ramones - Rod
Stewart - Baby Jane - Roger
Waters - Sunset Strip - Rolling
Stones - Start Me Up - Romeos
Daughter - Heaven In The Backseat - Romeo
Void - Never Say Never - Roni
Griffith - Desire - Ronnie_Milsap
- She Loves My Car - Rough
Cutt - Double Trouble - Roxette
- The Look - Roxx
Gang - No Easy Way Out - Roxy
Music - More Than This - Roy
Orbison - You Got It - Run
DMC Ft Aerosmith - Walk This Way - Rupert
Hine - The Set Up - Russ
Ballard - Voices - Ryan
Paris - Dolce Vita
- S-Express
- Theme From S-Express. - Sabrina
Salerno - Boys - Sade
- Smooth Operator - Sally
Oldfield - Mirrors - Salt
& Pepper - Push It - Samantha
Fox - Touch Me - Sam
Kinison - Wild Thing - Sandra
- Maria Magdalena - Sandy
Marton - People From Ibiza - Santana
- Winning - Savatage-
Gutter Ballet - Scandal
- Goodbye To You - Scorpions
- Still Loving You - Scotch
- Disco Band - Secret
Service - Flash In The Night - Seduction
- Two To Make It Right - Shakatak
- Easier Said Than Done - Shakin
Stevens - This Ole House - Shalamar
- Night to Remember - Shalom
- Cogeme - Shannon
- Let the Music Play - Shark
Island - Paris Calling - Sheena
Easton - Telephone - Sheila
E - The Glamorous Life - Shooting
Star - Tonight - Shop
Assistants - Dont Want To Be Friends - Shotgun
Messiah - Shout It Out - Show-Ya
- Watashi Wa Arashi - Shy
- Break Own The Walls - Sigue
Sigue Sputnik - Love Missile F1-11 - Silver
Pozzoli - Around My Dream - Simple
Minds - Dont You Forget - Simply
Red - Holding Back The Years - Sinitta
- Toy Boy - Siouxsie
And The Banshees - Spellbound - Sister
Sledge - Frankie - Skagarak
- Dont Turn Me Upside Down - Skid
Row - I Remember You - Skinny
Puppy - Dig It - Slade
- Lock Up Your Daughters - Slick
Rick - Childrens Story - Sly
Fox - Let s Go All the Way - Smash
Palace - Living On The Borderline - Smithereens-
A Girl Like You - Smokey
Robinson - Being With You - Soft
Cell - Tainted Love - Sonia
- You ll Never Stop Me Loving You - Sonic
Youth - 100 - Soulsister
- The Way To Your Heart - Soul
2 Soul- Back To Life - Spagna
- Easy Lady - Spandau
Ballet - Gold - Specimen
- The Beauty Of Poison - SPK
- Metal Dance - Spitting
Image - Chicken Song - Split
Enz - I Got You - Spoons
- Romantic Traffic - Squash
Gang - I Want An Illusion - Squeeze
- Hourglass - Stacey
Q - We Connect - Stage
Dolls - Love Cries - Stairway
to Stardom - BJ The Messenger - Starpoint
- Object Of My Desire - Starship
- Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now - Stars
on 45 - Disco Medley - Status
Quo - In The Army Now - Steel_Breeze
- You_Dont Want Me Anymore - Steve
Miller Band - Abracadabra - Steve
Perry - Oh Sherrie - Steve
Silk Hurley - Jack Your Body - Steve
Winwood - Valerie - Stevie
Nicks - Talk To Me - Stevie
Ray Vaughan - Cold Shot - Stevie
Wonder - I Just Called To Say.. - Sting
- Englishman In New York - Strawberry
Switchblade - Since Yesterday - Stray
Cats - Stray Cat Strut - Stryper-Calling
On You - Styx
- Mr Roboto - Sugarcubes
- Birthday - Sugarhill
Gang - Rappers Delight - Suicide
- Dream Baby Dream - Supertramp
- Its Raining Again - Survivor
- Eye Of The Tiger - Suzanne
Vega - Luka - Swans
- New Mind - Sweet
Sensation - Ill Never Let You Go - Swing
Out Sister - Breakout - Sylvester
- Do You Wanna Funk
- Taco
- Puttin On The Ritz - Taffy
- I Love My Radio - Taja
Sevelle - Love Is Contagious - Talking
Heads - And She Was - Talk
Talk - Its My Life - Talulah
Gosh - Talulah Gosh - Tanita
Tikaram - Twist In My Sobriety - Tankard
- Space Beer - Tarot
- Loves Not Made For My Kind - Taylor
Dayne - Tell It To My Heart - Tears
For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule - Technotronic
- Pump Up The Jam - Teddy
Pendergrass - Joy - Ted
Nugent - Wango Tango - Teena
Marie - Lovergirl - Telex
- Eurovision - Ten
Pole Tudor - Swords Of a 1000 Men.flv - Terence
Trent Darby - Wishing Well - Tesla
- Getting Better - Testament
- Over The Wall - Texas
- I Dont Want A Lover - That
Petrol Emotion - Keen - The
Art of Noise - Close To The Edit - The
Barracudas - Summer Fun - The
Beautiful South - Song For Whoever - The
Belle Stars - Iko Iko - The
Bluebells - Young At Heart - The
Bolshoi - A Way - The
Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star - The
Cars - Drive - The
Chameleons-Dont Fall - The
Chesterfield Kings - I Dont Understand - The
Christians - Forgotten Town - The
Church -Under The Milky Way - The
Clash - London Calling - The
Close Lobsters - Never Seen Before - The
Communards - Dont Leave Me This Way - The
Cramps - Garbageman - The
Creatures - Miss The Girl - The
Cult - Rain - The
Cure - Boys Dont Cry - The
Damned - Alone Again Or - The
Del Fuegos - I Still Want You - The
Divinyls - Science Fiction - The
Dolly Dots - Only The Rain - The
Dream Academy - Please Please Please - The
Edge - Ohh Girl - The
English Beat - Mirror in the Bathroom - The
Fabulous Billygoons - Party Rap - The
Fabulous Thunderbirds - Tuff Enuff - The
Fat Boys - Are You Ready For Freddy - The
Feelies - Loveless Love - The
Firm - Star Trekkin - The
Fixx - Red Skys At Night - The
Flirts - Passion - The
Flying Lizards - Money - The
Furious Five - The Message - The
Fuzztones - The Witch - The
Gap Band - Early In The Morning - The
Go-Betweens - Spring Rain - The
Go-Gos - Over Heels - The
Godfathers - Birth, School, Work, Death - The
Herreys - Diggiloo Diggiley - The
Hollies - He Aint Heavy - The
Hooters - And We Danced - The
Housemartins - Caravan Of Love - The
House Of Love - Christine - The
Jacksons - Can You Feel It - The
Jam - Thats Entertainment - The
Jets - Make It Real - The
Jonzun Crew - We Are - The
Killing Joke - Love Like Blood - The
King Dream Chorus - King Holiday - The
Kinks - Do It Again - The
Korgis - Got To Learn Sometime - The
Look - I Am The Beat - The
Lotus Eaters - The First Picture Of You - The
misfits - Skulls - The
Mission UK - Butterfly on a wheel - The
Monochrome Set - Jacobs Ladder - The
Moody Blues - Your Wildest Dreams - The
Motels - Only the Lonely.flv - The
Obvious - Surfs Up Gang - The
Outfield - Your Love - The
Pasadenas - Tribute Right On - The
Passions - German Film Star - The
Pastels - Crawl Babies - The
Pogues - A Pair of Brown Eyes - The
Pointer Sisters - Im So Excited - The
Police - Every Breath You Take - The
Pretenders - Back On The Chain Gang - The
Primitives - Crash - The
Proclaimers - Im Gonna Be - The
Railway Children - Brighter - The
Residents - Act Of Being Polite - The
Romantics - Talking In Your Sleep - The
Selecter - Three Minute Hero - The
Silencers - Painted Moon - The
Specials - Ghost Town - The
Special AKA - Nelson Mandela - The
Stand - The Alarm - The
Stone Roses - Fools Gold - The
Stranglers - Allways The Sun. - The
Style Council - Speak Like A Child. - The
Sundays - Cant Be Sure - The
Teardrop Explodes - Reward - The
The - Gravitate To Me - The
Timelords KLF - Doctorin The Tardis - The
Toasters - Radiation Skank - The
Toy Dolls - Nellie The Elephant - The
Traveling Wilburys - Handle With Care - The
Tubes - Shes A Beauty - The
Undertones - My Perfect Cousin - The
Untouchables - Free Yourself - The
Vapours - Turning Japanese - The
Waitresses - I Know What Boys Like - The
Whispers - And The Beat Goes On - The
Wonder Stuff - Dont Let Me Down Gently - The
Young Gods - L Amourir - Thin
Lizzy - Chinatown - Thomas
Dolby - Hyperactive - Thompson
Twins - Doctor Doctor - Thrill
Kill Kult - Kooler Than Jesus - Thunder
- Love Walked In - Tiffany
- I Think Were Alone Now - Tigertailz
- Living Without You - Tight
Fit - The Lion Sleeps Tonight - Til
Tuesday - Voices Carry - Timbuk3
- The Futures So Bright - Timex
- Social Club Rumors - Tina
Turner - We Don t Need Another Hero - Tino
Casal - Eloise - TNT
- Seven Seas - Tommy
Tutone - Jenny 867-5309 - Tommy
Page - A Shoulder To Cry On - Tom
Tom Club - Genius Of Love - Tom
Waits - I Dont Want To Grow Up - Tone
Loc - Funky Cold Medina - Tone
Norum - Built On Dreams - Toni
Basil - Mickey - Tora
Tora - Phantom Rider - Total
Coelo - I Eat Cannibals - Toto
- Africa - Toyah
- Ieya - Tracy
Chapman - Fast Car - Tracy
Ullman - They Dont Know - Transvision
Vamp - The Only One - Trans
X - Living On A Video - Treat
- World Of Promises - Trio
- Da Da Da - Tuxedomoon
- Jinx - Twisted
Sister - I Wanna Rock - T
pau - China In Your Hand
- U2
- With Or Without You - UB40
- Red Red Wine - Ultravox
- Vienna
- Vanessa
- Crazy For You - Vanessa
Paradis - Joe Le Taxi - Vanessa
Williams - Dreamin - Vangelis
- Chariots Of Fire - Van
Halen - Jump - Venom
- Black metal - Via
Verdi - Diamond - victory
- Dont Tell No Lies - Video
Kids - Woodpeckers From Space - Vinnie
Vincent Invasion - Boyz Are Gonna Rock - Violent
Femmes - Blister In The Sun
- Wall
of Voodoo - Mexican Radio - Wang
Chung - Dance Hall Days - Warlock-
All We Are - Wax
- Right Between The Eyes - Weather
Girls - Its Raining Men - Wee
papa girl Rappers - Wee Rule - Weird
Al Yankovic - Fat - Wendy
O Williams - Reform School Girls - Wet
Wet Wet - With A Little Help - Wham
- Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - When
in Rome - The Promise - Whitesnake
- Is This Love - White
Lion - When The Children Cry - White
wolf - Shadows In The Night - Whitney
Houston - I Wanna Dance.. - William
Pitt - City lights - Will
To Power - Baby I Love Your Way - Wilson
Phillips - Hold On - Winger
- Headed For A Heartbreak - Wish
Key - Orient Express - Womack
& Womack - Teardrops - World
Party - Ship Of Fools - W.A.S.P
- L.O.V.E. Machine
- X-Mal
Deutschland - Matador - XTC
- Dear God - XTC
- Senses Working Overtime
- Yarbrough
& Peoples - Dont Stop The Music - Yazoo
- Dont Go - Yazz
- The Only Way Is Up - Yellow
Magic Orchestra - Technopolis - Yello
- Oooooh Yeah - Yes
- Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yngwie
Malmsteen - You Dont Remember - Y
& T - Contagious
- Zapp
And Roger - I Wanna Be Your Man - Zebra
- Tell Me What You Want - Zeno
- A Little More Love - Zodiac
Mindwarp - Prime Mover - Zucchero
& Paul Young - Senza Una Donna - ZZ
Top - Gimme All Your Lovin |