A- Etken bir fiilin edilgen biçimi , to be fiilinin etken fiilin yapısına sokup buna, etken fiilin geçmiş zaman ortacını ekleyerek oluşturulur. Etken fiilin öznesi, edilgen fiilin yapıcı öğesi (agent) olur. Yapıcı öğe genellikle belirtilmez; belirtildiğinde de by’dan sonra getirilir cümleciğn sonuna konur:This tree was planted by my grandfather. : Bu ağaç büyükbabam tarafından dikilmişti.

B- Şimdiki, geçmiş ve şimdiki öncesi zaman yapılarına örnekler:Etken We keep the butter here. : Yağı burada tutarız.Edilgen The butter is kept here. : Yağ burada tutulur.Etken They broke the window. :Camı kırdılar.Edilgen The window was broken. :Cam kırıldı.Etken People have seen wolves in the streets. :Halk caddelerde/yolda kurtlar görmüş.Edilgen Wolves have been seen in the streets. :Caddelerde kurtlar görülmüş

.C- Edilgen süreklilik yapılar to be fiilinin süreklilik biçimlerini alırlar. Bunun dışında da bu yapılar pek kullanılmaz:Etken They are repairing the bridge. :Köprüyü onarıyorlar.Edilgen The bridge is being repaired. :Köprü onarılıyor.Etken They were carrying the injured player off the field. :Sakatlanan oyuncuyu alanın dışında taşıyorlardı.Edilgen The injured player was being carried off the field. :Sakatlanan oyuncu alanın dışına taşınıyordu.

Şimdi İngilizce'nin ETKEN cümle yapısına ;
Subject+Helping Verb+Main Verb+Object+ Place+ Time
(YÜKLEM-1-2-3-ing halinde bulunur)

Şimdi de EDİLGEN cümle yapısına bir bakalım:
ÖZNE +Yard. Fiil + TO BE +YÜKL.3.+ (Eylemi yapan) +YER + ZAMAN
Subject+ Helping Verb + To Be+Main Verb.3+ (by .............) + Place + Time
(TO BE -am-is-are/being/was-were/been şeklinde bulunur.)

A-Etken Cümle, Edilgen hale çevrilirken;
1-Etken cümlenin Nesnesi alınır ve Edilgen cümlenin Öznesi yapılır.
2-Varsa yardımcı fiil kullanılır, yoksa bir şey konmaz.
3-Etken cümlenin yüklem yapısı ne ise TO BE fiilinin o halikullanılır.
TO BE (am-is-are/being/was-were/been)
4-Yüklemin 3. hali kullanılır (Tüm cümlelerde).
5-Eğer yapılan iş belli bir kişi tarafından yapılmış ise by kullanılarak yazılır.
6-Yer ve zaman zarfları ilave edilir.

Exercises ;

1- Present Continious Tense - Şimdiki Devam Eden Zaman.

My sister is making a cake in the kitchen now.(Ablam şimdi mutfakta pasta yapıyor.)

A cake is being made by my sister in the kitchen now. (Mutfakta bir pasta ablam tarafından yapılıyor.)

2- Simple Present Tense - Geniş Zaman.
My sister makes a cake in the kitchen every weekend. (Ablam her hafta sonu mutfakta pasta yapar.)

A cake is made by my sister in the kitchen every weekend. (Mutfakta bir pasta ablam tarafından yapılır.)

3- Simple Past Tense - Geçmiş Zaman.(1)
My sister made a cake in the kitchen yesterday. (Ablam dün mutfakta bir pasta yaptı.)

A cake was made by my sister in the kitchen yesterday.
(Mutfakta bir pasta ablam tarafından yapıldı.)

4- Present Perfect Tense - Geçmiş Zaman.(2)
My sister has made a cake in the kitchen yesterday. (Ablam dün mutfakta bir pasta yaptı.)

A cake has made by my sister in the kitchen .(Mutfakta bir pasta ablam tarafından yapıldı.)

Simple Present :

Active : Mary helps john

Passive : john is helped by Mary

Present Continuous:

Active : Mary is helping john

Passive : john is being helped by Mary

Present Perfect:

Active : Mary has helped john

Passive : john has been helped by Mary

Simple Past:

Active : Mary helped john

Passive : john was helped by Mary

Past continuous:

Active : Mary was helping john

Passive : john was being helped by Mary

Past Perfect:

Active : Mary had helped john

Passive : john had been helped by Mary

Simple Future:

Active : Mary will help john

Passive : john will be helped by Mary

Be going to:

Active : Mary is going to help john

Passive : john is going to be helped by Mary

Future Perfect:

Active : Mary will have helped john

Passive : john will have been helped Mary

Note: The continuous forms of the present perfect , past perfect , future and future perfect are very rarely used in the passive.

Active :Etken (İşin özne tarafından yapıldığı belliyse) Passive:Edilgen (İşin özne tarafından yapıldığı belli değilse)

Verbs that can be used in the passive :

1.Most transitive verbs can be used in the passive. A transitive verb is a verb which has an object.

The police


the thief




The thief was caught by police

2. Intransitive verbs cannot be used in the passive . An intransitive verb is a verb which does not have an object.

Rodney fell and hurt his leg.

Passive constructions with the infinitive:

Doğru olup olmadığını bilmediğimiz bir bilgi aktar mak istediğimizde veya bu bilginin kaynağını vermek istemediğimizde passive yapıyı şu fiillerle kullanırız :

think ,believe , report , consider , know , say , expect , + infinitive.

1. Bilgi şu anki bir durumla ilgiliyse :

passive + infini tive.

örn: The queen is believed to be one of the richest people in the world.

örn: Mr Smit is thought to be staying with friends

2. Bilgi geçmişteki bir durumla ilgiliyse:

passive + the past infinitive ( to have + past particip le )

örn: Cher is said to have had a face lift.

NOT: The passive of doing = being done ,

seeing = being seen.


Active: I don't like people telling me what to do

Passive: I don't like being told what to do

Active: Mr Miller hates people keeping him waiting

Passive:Mr miller hates being kept waiting

Edilgen (passive) Tümceler..
Dersimiz İngilizce..Soru_cevap
Quiz Sinav Bölümü



Bob will mail it

it will be mailed by bob

Bob can mail it

it can be mailed by bob

Bob should mail it

it should be mailed by bob

Bob ought to mail it

it ought to be mailed by bob

Bob must mail it

it must be mailed by bob

Bob has to mail it

it has to be mailed by bob

Bob may mail it

it may be mailed by bob

Bobo might mail it

it might be mailed by bob



1. if + simple present + simple present ( Genel doğrularda )

2. if + simple present + simple future ( Gelecek için olası durumlarda )

3. if + simple past + would + infinitive ( Şu an ve gelecek için hayali durumlarda )

4. if + past pperfect + would have + past participle ( Geçmiş için hayali durumlarda )

1. if + simple present + simple present ( Genel doğrularda ):

a. if you don't water plants, they die ( bitkileri sulamazsan ölürler )

b. if Mike reads on the Train , he feels sick.

c. if you put paper on a fire , it burns quickly.

d. if the phone rings , answer it . ( talimat verildiğinde özne yok.)

2. if + simple present + simple future ( Gelecek için olası durumlarda )

a. if it doesn't rain soon , a lot of crops will die. ( Eğer yakında yağmur yağmazsa birçok mahsul ölecek )

b. if we don't leave now , we'll miss the train.

c. if you pass your exams , I will give you a job.

d. if you don't turn that music down , you will go deaf.

e. if we leave now , we may catch the train.

f. if you come to london again , you must call and see us. ( some modal verbs can be used instead of will)

3. if + simple past + would + infinitive ( Şu an ve gelecek için hayali durumlarda )

a. if I were a carpenter , I would build my own house ( Eğer bir marangoz olsaydım kendi evimi yapmak isterdim )

b. you would feel healtier , if you did more exercises.

c. if people didn't drive so fast , there wouldn't be so many fatal accidents.

d. if you went to africa , you would have to have several injections.

e. if I were you , I would't drive so fast.

4. if + past pperfect + would have + past participle ( Geçmiş için hayali durumlarda )

a. if bob had asked me to keep the news a secret , I wouldn't have told anybody.

( Eğer bob haberleri gizli tutmamı istemiş olsaydı kimseye söylemezdim.)


1. Used to + infinitive

( Used to expresses a habit , activity , or situation that existed in the past but which no longer exists.) - used to ; geçmişte var olan fakat şu an olmayan alışkanlıklar,aktiviteler ve durumları vurgulamak için kullanılır.

1. My father used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day . ( babam günde 40 sigara içerdi )

2. Jack used to live in chichago.

3. Before I had a car , I used to cycle to work.

4. I didn't used to have foreign holidays . Now I go abroad every year.

5. Where did you use to go for your holidays

2. be used to + - ing ( alışkın olmak )

1. I must go to bed early. I'm used to having ten hours sleep a night. ( yatağa erken gitmeliyim ,gecede 10 saat uyumaya alışkınım.)

2. Mary is used to cold weather.

3. I am used to sitting at this desk, I sit here every day.

3. get used to + - ing ( alışmak )

1. If you come to england you will have to get used to driving on the left hand side of the road ( ingiltereye gelirsen yolun solundan sürmeye alışmak zorunda kalacaksın.)

2. Bob moved to alaska. After a while he got used to living in a cold climate.

3. You get used to seeing the sun every day.

4. I will never get used to getting up early.

WOULD + infinitive:

( would , geçmişte düzenli olarak tekrar eden bir eylemi vurgulamak için kullanılır.) used to ile aynı anla mı verir fakat used to nun her kullanıldığı durumda kullanılmaz.

used to : eylem + süreklilik arzeden durum

would : eylem

1. Every summer our parents would take us to the seaside.

2. He would catch the 7:30 train.

3. When I was a child , my father would read me a story at night before bed.

4. I used to live in California ( Would olmaz )

5. He used to have a ford ( Would olmaz )

6. I used to be very shy . Whenever a stranger came to our house , I would hide in a closed.

NOT: would'un olumsuzunu veya soru şeklini kullanma , başka anlam verir.


Bir relative clause bize cümle içinde açıklayıcı bir bilgi verir.

İnsanlar için



Cansızlar ve Hayvanlar için



örn: A building was destroyed in the fire .It has now been rebuilt

The building that/which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.

örn: Some people were arrested. They have now been released

The people who/that were arrested have now been released.

Who , that , which' i baazen hiç kullanmasak ta olur

Who,that,which ' ten sonra ÖZNESİ olan bir cümle başlıyorsa ; who,that,which ' i hiç yazmasak ta olur. Fakat who,that,which bir öznenin yerine kullanılıyorsa mutlaka yazmak zorundayız, bir nesnenin yerine kullanılıyorlarsa yazmasak ta olur.

1.The woman who I wanted to see was away.

2.Have you found the keys that you lost

3.The dress that Ann bought doesn't fit her very well

1.The woman I wanted to see was away.

2.Have you found the keys you lost

3.The dress Ann bought doesn't fit her very well

Örn: The woman lives next door. She is a doctor

The woman who lives next door is a doctor ( She düştü yani: özne düştü burada who veya that mutlaka yazılmalıdır.)

Örn: Have you found the keys? you lost them.

Have you found the keys which you lost ( them düştü yani : nesne düştü )

Have you found the keys you lost.

We use WHOSE in relative clause instead of his / her / their

1. We saw some people whose car had broken down


2. A widow is a woman whose husband is dead


3. I met a man whose sister knows you


You can use WHERE in relative clause to talk about a place

1. The hotel - we stayed there - wasn't very clean

The hotel where we stayed wasn't very clean

WHAT = the thing (s) that

1. Did you hear what they said ( the things that they said )

2. Tell me what you want and I ' ll try to get it for you.

3. I don't agree with what you 've just said.

4. I don't trust him. I don't believe anything that he says (what kullanılmaz)

I don't believe anything he says.

What kullanılmış olsaydı : anything the thing that he says. OLMAZ

5. They give their children everything that they want. (what kullanılmaz)

They give their children everything they want.

what kullanılmış olsa : everything the thing that they want. OLMAZ


Whom sadece yazı ingilizcesinde kullanılır ve who , that , which ' in hiç yazılmasa da ( who bir nesnenin yerine kullanılmışsa ) olduğu durumlarda who nun yerine whom kullanılır.

örn: The woman who I wanted to see was away on holiday

The woman whom I wanted to see was away on holiday.

The woman I wanted to see was away on holiday.

Whom preposition larla da kullanılır ( to whom , from whom , with whom....)

The woman with whom he fell in love , left him after a few weeks ( he fell in love with her. )

İki tür relative clause vardır:

type 1 : The woman who lives next door is a doctor. ( Burada who kadın hakkında bize bilgi veriyor.)

type 2 : My brother jim , who lives in london, is a doctor. ( Buradaki who my brother'i açıklamıyor çünkü zaaten onun jim olduğu verilmiş ---- işte bu tip relative clauseler , extra information veren bunlar: iki virgül arasına alınırlar , extra information ,

Extra information veren relative clauselerin özellikleri:

1. Bunlarda that kullanılmaz. yani:

Kişiler için sadece who ,

Nesneler için sadece which kullanılır.

2. who ve which' i mutlaka kulllanmak zorundasın , ihmal edemezsin.

3. Where , whose ,whom kullanışları yine aynıdır.

örn: john , who speaks french , works as a tourist guide

örn: Colin told me about his new job , which he is enjoying very much ,

örn: We stayed at the Grand hotel , which Ann recommended to us ,

örn: This morning I met Diane , whom / who I hadn't seen for ages ,

In extra information clauses . You can use a preposition before whom and which ( to whom / with whom / about which / for which.....)

örn: Fortunately we had a map , without which we would have got lost

örn: This is mr carter ; who I was telling you about.

NOT: Konuşma ingilizcesinde ise prepositionlar genellikle relative clausenin verb (fiil) in den sonra gelir.

all of , most of , non of , neither of , any of , either of , some of , many of , much of (a) few of , both of , half of , each of , one of , two of

+ whom (people)

+ which (things)

örn : Marry has three brothers , All of them are married

Mary has three brothers , All of whom are married.

örn: Two men , neither of whom I had ever seen before , come into my office.

örn: They ' ve got three cars , two of which they never use.


TOM: I'm feeling ill

Tom'un söylediğini 3. kişiye anlatmanın iki yolu var:

1. Tom said ` I'm feeling ill ` (Direkt olarak cümleyi almak) - Yazarken; mutlaka iki tırnak arasına al

2. Tom said that he was feeling ill ( Cümleyi bir derece past'lamak )

Cümleyi bir derece pastlamak:



Present simple:I'm a nurse , she said

Past simple:She said she was a nurse

Present continuous:I'm not going , he said

Past continuous:He said he wasn't going

Past simple:Tony did it , she said

Past Perfect:She said Tony had done it

Present perfect:I haven't read it , she said

Past perfect:She said she hadn't read it

Past continuous:I was lying , he said

Past perfect continuous:He said he had been lying

Will:I will get it , she said

Would:She said she would get it

Can:I can speak french , he said

Could:He said he could speak french

May:I may be late , she said

Might:She said she might be late

Must:I must go , he said

had to:he said he had to go

NOT: Past perfect , Might , Ought to , Could , Should , Would - Bunlar Reported speech te değişmezler.

Direct Speech:

Reported Speech:




that day


the next day , the following day


the day before , the previous day

two days ago

two days before , two days earlier








the or it


the or it





NOT: Reporting advice , commands , requests and warnings these kind of speech using the verbs :

advice, tell ,ask and warn + Personal object pronoun + infinitive.

1.You really should stop (advice)

She adviced me to stop

2.Don't interrupt me (Command)

He told me not to interrupt him

3.Could you close the door please (Request)

She asked me to close the door

4.if you tell anyone , I will.... (warning)

She warned me not to tell anyone

1. Report edeceğin cümlede (did,saw,knew,....) varsa bunlar ya aynı kalır veya past perfect yaparsın.

CHARLIE: My car was stolen a few weeks ago.

a. He said that his car was stolen a few weeks ago.

b. He said that his car had been stolen a few weeks ago.

2. Hala doğruluğu devam eden bir olay, durum...u report ediyorsan verb' i değiştirmeyebilirsin.

a. Tom said ` Newyork is more lively than london. `

b. Tom said that Newyork is more lively than london.

c. Tom said that Newyork was more lively than london.

Not: Eğer önceki söylenenle sonraki farklı ise yani durum değişikliği varsa mutlaka verb' i past ' lamalısın.

3. Konuşan kişinin Kime konuştuğunu belirtirsen tell , belirtmezsen say kullan.

a. Sonia told me that you were ill

b. Sonia said that you were ill

Not: But you can say something to somebody.

a. Ann said goodbye to me and left. ( Ann said me OLMAZ )

b. What did you say to the police.

4. Reported speech te Rica ve Emirlerde ( to do , to say....) gibi infinitive ler kullanılır.


`Stay in bed for a few days` the doctor said to me.


The Doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.

The doctor said to stay in bed for a few days


`Please don't tell anybody what happened.` Ann said to me


Ann asked me not to tell anybody what happened.


Don't worry Sue


Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I told her not to worry

( I told her to don't worry ) YANLIŞ


Don't wait for me if I'm late.


I didn't want to delay Ann , so I told her not to wait for me if I was late

( I told her to not wait for me ) YANLIŞ



- kalıp:       HAVE + SOMETHING + DONE(V3)
  not:have yerine GET de kullanılabilir.

- I have(get) my car cleaned everyweek
arabamı her hafta temizlettiririm.

- I had my hair cut
saçlarımı kestirdim

not:HAVE,GET cümlede kullanılan zamana göre çekimlenirler.Örneğin şu anda olan bir olay için:

- Linda is having(v1+ing) her house painted now
linda şu anda evini boyatıyor.  yada geçmişte olmuş bir olay için ise:

- Linda had(v3) her house painted
linda evini boyattırdı.

Örneklerde de görüldüğü gibi yalnızca have ve get in çekimi değişiyor.gerisi aynı kalıp.(v3=fiilin 3.hali demektir, v1+ing=fiilin birinci hali ve –ing takısı eklenir demek)

- kalıp:       MAKE + SOMEONE + DO(V1) + SOMETHING
  Bu kalıp da birisinin birisine bir şey yaptırmasını belirtir.

- You make me drive mad
sen beni çıldırtıyorsun (drive mad=çıldırtmak)

  not:make de kullanılırken zamanlara göre çekimlenir.Örn:

- Linda made me do her homeworks in the past

  eskiden linda ödevlerini bana yaptırırdı.

Personal pronouns



İyelik sıfatı

İyelik zamiri

I (ben)

Me (beni,bana)

My (benim)

Mine (benimki)

You (sen)

You (sana,seni)

Your (senin)

Yours (seninki)

He (o)

Him (ona,onu)

His (onun)

His (onunki)

She (o)

Her (ona,onu)

Her (onun)

Hers (onunki)

It (o)

It (ona,onu)

Its (onun)


We (biz)

Us (bize,bizi)

Our (bizim)

Ours (bizimki)

You (siz)

You (size,sizi)

Your (sizin)

Yours (sizinki)

They (onlar)


Their (onların)

Theirs (onlarınki)

Not: he(erkekler için), She(bayanlar için), it(hayvanlar ve cansız varlıklar için “o” anlamındadır.)