MSN Online Kontrol ve Msn den sizi Kimler eklemedi veya Sildi tespit için tıklayın |
Aşağıdaki kutucuğa kontrol edeceğiniz mail adresini yazın ve kontrol tuşuna basın.Enter any MSN Messenger account e-mail in the field below and press the "Check" button to find out if that person is online or offline. The butterfly image should change to one of the below status icons. If it shows the online icon and you've added the person to your contacts but he or she ISN'T listed as online, be sure you're being blocked by him or her!
The offline icon doesn't always mean the person is *really* offline.That's because there's is a option in MSN Messenger (Tools > Options > Privacy > My block list)
to block anyone that was not added to yet, including this block checker. |
Windows Live Messenger (MSN Messenger) kapanmıştır, tüm kullanıcılar Skype ile devam etmek durumundadır. Buradan yükleyin. veya skype yi buradan yükleyin |